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Portable Raman Spectrometer

    B&W Tek Raman spectrometers offer you a great way to perform sample analysis by optimising your processes and therefore saving you time & money.

    This technology allows you to analyse all kinds of materials through different types of containers without having to open or compromise the sample. This proves to effectively reduce sample processing times, regardless the environment and without the need for additional space or wet chemistry. They go from the lab to the field and are perfect for both research and production applications.

    How is Raman Going to Save Me Time & Money?

    B&W Tek have a great range of Raman instruments that will match your application requirements and help provide research grade Raman capabilities anywhere.

    Each system has a very small footprint, a lightweight design and low power consumption, but are powerful enough to performe in the same way as a benchtop system - at a fraction of the price.

    Handheld and portable instruments are available, featuring a unique blend of high resolution and field-portability. Also, with fiber optic probe interfaces that give you the results you need wherever you go.raman-technology.jpg

    Another key aspect of these insturments is how user-friendly they are. The intuitive onboard software doesn’t require the user to have extensive knowledge of analytical chemistry in order to use the instrument on a routine basis. You do not need a high level of operator expertise or exhaustive sample preparation procedures to use handheld handheld Raman equipment in a production environment or any remote field applications.

    Main Features:

    - Analyse samples through transparent containers (plastic bags, glass, etc.)
    - Little to no sample preparation required and small sample sizes
    - Samples can be solid, liquid or slurry; transparent or opaque
    - Enables both qualitative and quantitative analysis
    - Wide spectral coverage for diversity of samples
    - Insensitive to aqueous absorption bands
    - Highly selective, rapid analysis
    - Enables Green Chemistry
    - In situ sampling
    - Not crompomising or touching the sample

    Contact our Sales Team today and we will help you find the perfect Raman solution for your application!

    To Find Out More

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