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Analytical Sieve Shakers AS 200, 300, 400, 450

    Particle size distribution influences the physical and chemical properties of solids, that is why sample size is one of the most important characteristics in the context of science and quality control. Only if the size distribution remains constant, a steady product quality can be guaranteed.

    The analytical vibratory sieve shakers from Retsch are used in research & development, quality control of raw materials, semi finished and finished products, as well as in production monitoring.

    These sieve shakers and sieving machines cover a wide measuring range. Thanks to various sieving motions and sieve sizes it is possible to select the ideal instrument for practically any bulk material.

    The AS 200 series provides a suitable instrument for every requirement and budget. While the AS 300 control is designed for large feed quantities up to 6kg, the AS 450 Control is the ideal sieve shaker for big loads up to 25kg.

    All sieve shakers and sieving machines are suitable for dry and wet sieving, produce exact and reproducible results, and comply with the requirements for test materials monitoring according to DIN EN ISO 9000 ff.

    Their patented electromagnetic drive produces a 3-D throwing motion which ensures optimum use of the open sieve area and lets the sample move equally over the whole sieving surface. All electromagnetic sieve shakers feature individual amplitude setting which allows adaptation to the sample characteristics and therefore sharp fractionizing even after very short sieving times.

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