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The JULABO Thermal Bath Fluids are carefully chosen and long-term tested media. They are highly suitable for temperature applications in JULABO units and guarantee safe and reliable operation. JULABO Thermal Bath Fluids based on silicone are chemically inert substances which do not affect metals like iron, copper, zinc, aluminum, chrome or nickel. Compared to other fluids, JULABO Thermal fluids have an extraordinarily high dielectric strength. When properly stored, the fluid will keep for 12 months and longer as they are not susceptible to climatic influences. When used properly, minimal cracking and oxidation degradation will occur ensuring a long fluid life. When operating fluids at temperatures close to the recommended limits, visually inspect and/or exchange the fluid every 2-3 months. Some JULABO bath fluids based on silicone contain a stabilizer to delay oxidation and thus increase the lifetime of the oil.

Main Advantages of JULABO Baths Fluids:

- Low toxicity
- Low viscosity
- High stability
- Minimum odor
- Good heat conductivity
- Low corrosion tendency
- Wide temperature ranges

Read more on the Julabo Thermal Fluids.
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