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Knick Electronic Pt-1000 Temperature Sensor ZU 0156

Knick Electronic Pt-1000 Temperature Sensor ZU 0156

PART NO: 4AJ-9041384
Price: £207.00
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 2 weeks)

Pt-1000 temperature sensor

Portable conductivity meters, Portamess® 910 Cond series, accessories

Parts In Range:
SE 202: Two-pole cell probe with flow-through cell.
SE 204: Four-pole cell probe.
ZU 0156: PT 1000 temperature probe.
ZU 0262: Electrode case (holds 5 probes. For liquid-resistant storage of probes).
ZU 0277: Robust field case for meter and probe.
ZU 0244: Printer.

Part Description: ZU 0156

Catalogue Number9.041 384
Manufacturer P/nZU 0156
For766 / 765 / Portamess® 911 X pH
Temp. range °C-10 ... 100
TypeZU 0156
DescriptionWith tilted tip
Search words

Conductivity meters accessorie(s)

Meters conductivity

Testers conductivity