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Home > Laboratory > Analytical Measurement and Testing > Balance > Accessories > Weighing boats > Bochem Weighing Boat Steel 120x32mm 18/10 Steel 12803

Bochem Weighing Boat Steel 120x32mm 18/10 Steel 12803

Bochem Weighing Boat Steel 120x32mm 18/10 Steel 12803

PART NO: 4AJ-7200495
Price: £9.28
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 4 weeks)

Weighing boat steel 120x32mm 18/10 steel

Catalogue Number7.200 495
ManufacturerBOCHEM Instrumente
Manufacturer P/n12803
Alternative RefWÄGESCHIFF
Fisher Ref128030250
VWR Ref611-9713
Length mm120
Search words

Vessel weighing

Weighing vessel(s)

Weighing vessel

Alternative Reference:WÄGESCHIFF
Thermo Fisher:128030250

Bochem Weighing Scoops 18/8 12801
PART NO. 4AJ-6076429
Price: £8.67