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Home > Laboratory > Life Sciences > Microbiology > Cell Disruption > Homogenisers Potter-Elvehjem, with glass pestle > Labo IC Strecken Homogenizer with Flass Pestle 8855000019

Labo IC Strecken Homogenizer with Flass Pestle 8855000019

Labo IC Strecken Homogenizer with Flass Pestle 8855000019

PART NO: 4AJ-9651674
Price: £117.19
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 2 weeks)

Gr. 19.1ml Type POTTER-EKVEHJ.

Homogenisers Potter-Elvehjem, with glass pestle
All-glass. Pestle is suitable for motor drive. The space between the pestle and mortar is between 0.1mm to 0.15mm. Spare components are available and are completely interchangeable.

Product Specification:
Capacity: 1ml
Size: 19
Pestle L x o.d.: 145 x 5mm
Mortar L x o.d.: 95 x 13mm

Catalogue Number9.651 674
ManufacturerLabo IC Strecken
Manufacturer P/n885500-0019
Nominal capacity ml1
ShapeAcc. to Potter-Elvehjem
With pestleYes
Overall length mortar mm95
Length pestle mm145
Material mortarBoro 3.3
Material pestleBoro 3.3
Suitable for motor operationYes
Mortar Ø mm13
Pestle Ø mm5
Search words

Homogenisers Potter-Elvehjem