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Home > Laboratory > Vacuum Technology > Accessories > Cold Traps, Woulff Bottles > Cold traps, DURAN® tubing > Cold Traps without Condensate Drain Coolant Cap. 5.3550.58 Lenz

Cold Traps without Condensate Drain Coolant Cap. 5.3550.58 Lenz

Cold Traps without Condensate Drain Coolant Cap. 5.3550.58 Lenz

PART NO: 4AJ-6300813
Price: £470.59
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 4 weeks)

ml 500

Cold Traps, DURAN® tubing
Cold trap for direct illing of cooling agents, low cooling agent consumption due to double-walled design, apparatus connection: socket NS 29/32, vacuum pump connection: cone NS 29/32, made of DURAN® tubing.

Product Specification:
Product Type: without condensate drain
Capacity: 500ml

Catalogue Number6.300 813
Manufacturer P/n05355058
Typewithout condensate drain
Capacity ml500
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Cold traps