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Home > Agarose Powder 500g Cleaver Scientific CSL-AG500

Agarose Powder 500g Cleaver Scientific CSL-AG500

Agarose Powder 500g Cleaver Scientific CSL-AG500

PART NO: 4AJ-9584696
Price: £258.49
Your Discount: 25%
Offer Price: £193.87
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 4 weeks)

AG agaroses are suitable for routine analysis of nucleic acids. They combine tensile strength with low electroendosmotic effects to achieve high resolving power for a wide size range of nucleic acid fragments. AG agaroses are also very environmentally friendly, being manufactured by a process which excludes organic solvents.

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Agarose Powder 100g Cleaver Scientific CSL-AG100
PART NO. 4AJ-9584695
Price: £59.75
Your Discount: 25%
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