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FlowTracker2 Handheld Display Unit YSI FT2-HH


The FlowTracker2 Handheld is an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter that has the technology used in the original FlowTracker but now comes with additional beneficial features. These features include functional modernized features like Bluetooth, GPS, and a large colour screen. The FlowTracker2 now guides along the measurement process with visual prompts and SmartQC audio alerts in case the user’s attention is needed.

The handheld Velocimeter software is easy to use and includes real-time plots of point data, QC parameters, and measurement verticals so that everything is shown to the user in one glance. It has a rugged construction so that it can be used in any climate and it has multiple display options for daytime and night.

The acoustic-based ADV sensor offers accuracy, particularly in low flow and in the sallowest water of any wading device. The 2-D or 3-D data in the horizontal plane allows for a comprehensive QC and understanding of flow conditions. The major feature improvements include:

  • Embedded GPS for georeferencing with automatic or manual fixes

  • Improved ADV acoustics: faster pinging, lower noise, and better standard error

  • Battery life icon on the screen always

  • Detachable probe with extension cables to customize cable length up to 10m

  • Probes and handhelds are interchangeable flexibility within agency teams

  • Set up and save templates

  • Bluetooth or direct USB interface with PC

  • Audio prompts

  • Automatically conforms to proper methods based on depth

  • View beam check or QC plots directly

  • Get real-time plots of velocity and other parameters

  • View a running discharge summary

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