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Home > Laboratory > Life Sciences > Molecular Cell Biology > Recombinant Proteins > Canvax Human ANXA3 (Annexin A3), 6xHis PR0013

Canvax Human ANXA3 (Annexin A3), 6xHis PR0013

Canvax Human ANXA3 (Annexin A3), 6xHis PR0013


Human ANXA3 (Annexin A3), 6xHis, high quality recombinant protein with proven performance in elisa, wb, ab production or protein array

Members of this calcium-dependent phospholipid-binding protein family play a role in the regulation of cellular growth and in signal transduction pathways. This protein functions in the inhibition of phopholipase A2 and cleavage of inositol 1,2-cyclic phosphate to form inositol 1-phosphate. This protein may also play a role in anti-coagulation.

Main Features:

Highest purity: free of interferences from other proteins or contaminants. Convenient: available in different sizes and tags. Cost avoidance: dry ice free of charge.

Includes: Includes for 50 µg: - 50 µg Recombinant Protein - Dry ice

Applications: ELISA. Western Blot. Antibody Production. Protein array.

Format: 50 µg
Shipping conditions: Dry Ice
Storage Conditions: -80 ºC
Manufacturer P/nPR0013