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ColiMinder Industrial Standard ERU CMI-02-ERU


The ColiMinder® CMI-02-ERU (Emergency Response Unit) gives the ability to measure microbiological contamination on the road taking sample from different sources or locations. With a ColiMinder CMI-02-LE serving as base, the ERU is assembled on a rack and dedicated for mobile use or as a driving lab, e.g. in cars or on a boat. It is equipped with batteries and all necessary equipment with consumables for 100 measurements and can be deployed also for continuous monitoring when being equipped with different canisters.

Using integrated multisampling unit, this device can measure up to 10 samples one after another on the way to the next sampling site. It has a 15-minute measurement time followed by a 9-minute cleaning time and can perform up to 54 measurements per day. There is an interval mode that can be set manually by the staff. The persistent mode can measure sample 1 to 10 whereas alternating mode can switch between sample 1 through 10. If needed, measurement frequency can be increased to approx. 80 a day for a short period without cleaning.  

ColiMinder® CMI-02-ERU has an internal 4G modem and can be powered by a 12V DC car system or any DC source between 12 and 30V DC. Solar panels or power packs can be directly connected to the unit also.

Key Features:

  • Fully automated sampling, measurement, cleaning and calibrating
  • Online data visualization and automatic notification
  • 100 measurements without staff intervention
  • Up to 54 measurements per day
  • Fully controllable through internet connection
  • 10 sample intakes

When it comes to data transfer and visualization, measurements data can be directly transmitted to a server using the internet and live data visualization can be shown on a dedicated website where the results can be downloaded.  There is the option to get automatic notifications to be sent via email or SMS or results can be saved to a USB flash drive directly from the device itself.

Application Fields include:

  • Drinking Water
  • Waste Water
  • Industrial Water
  • Surface Water
  • Bathing Water

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