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Home > Laboratory > BioScience > Blotting Products > Blotting Papers > GE Healthcare 3mm CHR Blotting Paper Reel19cm x 100m 3030-690

GE Healthcare 3mm CHR Blotting Paper Reel19cm x 100m 3030-690

GE Healthcare 3mm CHR Blotting Paper Reel19cm x 100m 3030-690

PART NO: W3030-690
Price: £306.00
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 3 weeks)

Chromatography paper, reels
Chromatography Paper 1 CHR
The standard chromatography paper. Good resolution for general analytical separations. Pure cellulose. Thickness 0.18mm. Capillary rise (water) 130mm / 30 min.

Chromatography Paper 3MM CHR
Used in electophoresis, in general chemistry and as blotting paper. Pure cellulose. Thickness 0.34mm.
Capillary rise (water) 130mm / 30 min.

Product Specification:
Grade: 3MMChr
Width: 190mm
Length: 100 m

Catalogue Number9.950 332
ManufacturerGE Healthcare
Manufacturer P/n3030-690
Search words

Chromatography paper